Drone Port


The drone port allows you to transport items across vast distances using flying drones. It requires a drone port at both the takeoff and landing positions to be built and powered.

Once built, assign the target port using a target designator item. Bind it to the targeted drone port by shift + right-clicking the target port. Then, on the port you wish to send items from, open the UI and place the designator into the special item slot.

The target port must be at least 50 blocks away, and the area it's in needs to be chunk-loaded.

A drone port can only send items to one specific target port, but a port can receive items from multiple ports. However, each drone takes a few seconds to land, so if items arrive too frequently, one receiving port may be overloaded when targeted by multiple ports.

The time it takes to deliver items is constant, regardless of the distance the drone has to fly. However, the energy cost increases with distance. The square root of the distance is used in the energy usage calculation.